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European Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence

Read our new January 2025 newsletter here!

High Quality Research Software for the Communities by the Communities

Software for the Communities by the Communities

The EVERSE project aims to create a framework for research software and code excellence, collaboratively designed and championed by the research communities, in pursuit of building a European network of Research Software Quality and setting the foundations of a future Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence.

Colorful software or web code on a computer monitor


EVERSE ultimate ambition is to contribute towards a cultural change where research software is recognized as a first-class citizen of the scientific process and the people that contribute to it are credited for their efforts.

EVERSE is coordinated by the Centre for Research and Technology hellas (CERTH) and the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC). EVERSE will be interfacing with the EOSC science clusters and their emerging use cases:

  • ENVRI Community: Essential Climate Variables
  • Life Science RI: The Workflow Execution Service backend with RO-Crate
  • ESCAPE: Particle physics and astrophysics in the Dark Matter Science Project
  • PaNOSC: Photon and neutron science through LEAPS/LENS
  • SSHOC: UDPipe language processing suite
Science Cluster Organisation Logo
EVERSE project full logo


Into the EVERSE (January 2025)
·101 words
The second edition of our newsletter is here! Read it here.
EVERSE Network Launch
·65 words
We are excited to invite you to the launch event for the EVERSE Network of Research Software Quality at 10h CET on Tuesday 18 February.
General Assembly Meeting
·59 words
The EVERSE General Assembly Meeting will be held in Barcelona, Spain, from March 19 to 21, 2025. Participants from the project will come together to present their progress in developing a framework for research software and code excellence.