Research Software Quality Kit (RSQKit)
The Research Software Quality Toolkit (RSQKit) lists curated best practices in improving the quality of your research software. It is intended for use by researchers, research software engineers, those managing and procuring funding for projects with a large research software component, those running research infrastructures involving software and those developing research software related policy at organisations and in projects.
These practices are informed by software excellence and quality in the context of research; with a focus on FAIR software, Open Research, community development and software engineering practices at different tiers of research software (analysis scripts, prototype tools and research software infrastructure).
RSQKit links to tools and resources which support best practices in research software quality. It includes software quality dimensions and links to indicators and tasks to guide your usage of the best practice.
Research community use cases and usage of software practices is highlighted across the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Science Clusters to inform and inspire.
Research software roles (e.g. Research Software Engineers (RSEs) and Researchers who code) are included to document the sources and practitioners of research software. This brings attention to the need for credit and career paths for research software related roles.
RSQKit is currently developed as part of the EVERSE project, with external engagement with the wider community through the open EVERSE Network.