Neil Chue Hong is co-leading Work Package 3. He is based at the University of Edinburgh where he is Professor of Research Software Policy and Practice at EPCC. He is the Director of the Software Sustainability Institute, founded in 2010 as the first organisation in the world dedicated to improving software in research.
Neil has had many roles relating to research software, including: co-leading the development of the FAIR Principles for Research Software, authoring a set of metrics for automated FAIR software assessment, creating guidance on software citation for authors and developers, co-authoring Best Practices for Scientific Computing and An Open Science Peer Reviewers Oath, and creating the Research Software Development Principles.
He also holds several advisory roles with research funders and research software organisations, including for the Research Software Alliance, UKRI Digital Research Infrastructure, Citation File Format, Helmholtz Federated IT Services, US-RSE Association, and pyOpenSci.