Dr. Fotis Psomopoulos is a Senior Researcher at the Institute of Applied Biosciences, at the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas, in Thessaloniki Greece. His research interests lie at the intersection of Bioinformatics and Machine Learning, primarily working on the design and implementation of novel algorithms for knowledge extraction from large datasets in Life Sciences.
As such, he is co-leading the ELIXIR Machine Learning Focus Group which produced the DOME recommendations, and is a member of the CAIRNE network. Moreover, he is a proponent of Open and FAIR Research Software, co-leading relevant activities under ELIXIR and RDA, and co-coordinating the EOSC-A Opportunity Area 7 on Research Software.
Finally, in addition to his research activities, he is active in training efforts; notably he is a member of the ELIXIR Training Platform Executive Committee, a member of the EOSC-A Opportunity Area 5, and a co-author of the Open Science Training Handbook.
He is the Coordinator of EVERSE, co-leading WP6 and actively involved across other WPs.