Anna-Lena Lamprecht#
University of Potsdam, Institute of Computer Science#
Prof. Dr. Anna-Lena Lamprecht is professor of software engineering at the University of Potsdam, Germany. Her field of specialisation is Research Software Engineering (RSE), with a particular focus on the automated composition of scientific workflows. Anna-Lena Lamprecht studied Applied Computer Science (with a minor in bioinformatics) at the University of Göttingen, and received her PhD from TU Dortmund University in 2012. Prior to her current position, she was a PostDoc at the University of Potsdam, a research fellow at Lero - The Irish Software Research Centre in Limerick and assistant professor of software technology at Utrecht University, Netherlands.

Daniel S. Katz#
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign#
Daniel S. Katz is chief scientist at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications (NCSA) at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) where he holds multiple faculty positions, including as research associate professor in the departments of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering and the School of Information Sciences. He is a prominent leader in advanced research computing and a sought-after voice on software sustainability, including presenting keynotes at the New Zealand Research Software Engineering Conference 2022, the Latin America High Performance Computing Conference and the 36th Brazilian Symposium on Software Engineering at CBSoft 2022. Katz is an alumnus of Northwestern University, earning his bachelor’s, master’s and doctoral degrees in Electrical Engineering there. He is a senior member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), co-founder and current associate editor-in-chief of the Journal of Open Source Software, co-founder of the U.S. Research Software Engineer Association (US-RSE) and co-founder and steering committee chair of the Research Software Alliance (ReSA).

Michelle Barker#
Research Software Alliance#
Dr Michelle Barker is both the Director of Research Software Alliance and an independent consultant on open science. She brings extensive expertise in open science, research software, skills and infrastructure. As a sociologist, Michelle is passionate about building collaborative partnerships to achieve system change. She serves on advisory boards for FAIR Impact, Research Software Engineers Asia Association, and the Research Data Alliance Organisational Advisory Board. As a consultant in the field of open science her roles have included chairing the OECD expert group on digital skills for the research sector and co-editing the European Open Science Cloud report, Digital Skills for FAIR and Open Science. Michelle is a former Director of the Australian Research Data Commons, where she led the strategic planning for the Australian government’s $180 million, five-year investment in ARDC, and the national research software infrastructure investment program.

Andy Götz#
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, Division of Instrumentation Services and Development#
Andy Götz joined the ESRF when it started in 1987 as software engineer where he has been ever since except for two sabbatical breaks. He has worked on control systems for the accelerators and beamlines at the ESRF, data processing and data management. He leads the Software Group at the ESRF since 2010. He has participated in a number of EU projects, where he recently coordinated the PaNOSC project. He is an advocate of Open Science especially Open Data and Open Source Software. He chairs a number of community-based open source projects, and regularly speaks at international conferences. He is a member of the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Commission on Data.

Andreas Kosmider#
Falling Walls Foundation gGmbH#
Andreas Kosmider is a physicist with expertise in experimental astro-particle physics, energy systems, and fusion technologies. He earned his Ph.D. for pioneering work on background suppression techniques in direct neutrino mass measurements with the KATRIN collaboration. Later, he transitioned to project management and played a pivotal role in the KATRIN experiment, the world’s most precise direct neutrino mass measurement. In 2016, he joined the Helmholtz Association, where he led strategic digitalization initiatives and oversaw the Helmholtz Incubator for Information and Data Science. Andreas has a passion for the performing arts, having participated in over 35 theater productions, founded theater companies, and bridged the gap between science and theater. He has also been actively involved in various academic, social, cultural, and political organizations, displaying a keen interest in organizing large events and campaigns. As of September 2023, Andreas serves as the managing director of the Falling Walls Foundation.