European Environmental Research Infrastructures (ENVRIs) at the ESFRI level serve as essential facilities for providing data, research products, and services across the four subdomains of Earth system science: Atmosphere, Marine, Solid Earth, and Biodiversity/Terrestrial Ecosystems. The ENVRIs encompass a comprehensive range of scientific objectives relevant to Earth system monitoring. The ENVRI Cluster forms the central component of the European environmental research infrastructure landscape, with the ENVRI community acting as a unified forum for collaboration and co-creation through projects such as ENVRI (2011-2014), ENVRIplus (2015-2019), and ENVRI-FAIR (2019-2023).
The ENVRI-Hub is designed as a federated system to harmonize subdomain- or RI-specific access platforms and offers a user-centered platform that provides seamless access to environmental data and services across multiple European Research Infrastructures (RIs), addressing key challenges in data discovery, access, composition, processing, and usability. Its modular, service-oriented architecture integrates data catalogs, knowledge bases, analytical tools, and training resources, enabling interdisciplinary research and informed policy-making. To enhance ENVRI-Hub to the next level, ENVRI-Hub Next provides improved access to environmental data and services by incorporating next-generation digital solutions and expanding its user base.