How to document your software project?
Software documentation is an essential part of the software development process, designed to provide clear communication between various stakeholders including developers, administrators, testers, users and project managers - ensuring the software is easy to understand and use.
- Software documentation should be accessible, clear, consistent, regularly updated, cover all key software aspects (source code, software structure, APIs, usage, etc.), encourage feedback, and ideally be auto-generated to a large extent.
- Software documentation should use standard formats – (R)Markdown, reStructuredText, HTML, PDF, or wikis.
- Each piece of documentation has a distinct purpose, different audience (e.g. developers, administrators, testers, users and project managers), tone and level of detail (developer-facing documentation provides in-depth and complex technical details; an end-user guide focuses on usability and clarity, offering step-by-step instructions for usage).
- Create and maintain different types of software documentation - based on its purpose and intended audiences.
- Include usage examples to help users understand and experiment with the software and showcase different aspects of your software.
- Automate generation and publishing of documentation from your code where possible using specialised tools (e.g. see general purpose documentation generation, hosting and publishing tool Read the Docs or programming language specific documentation tools).
- Store your documentation with your software project and track it using version control.
- Read the Docs tool integrates with the version control workflow you likely already use for your code. By treating documentation like code, your team can leverage familiar tools, making it easier to keep your documentation up-to-date. Read more on how to use Read the Docs to document your software project.
- Publishing service Zenodo integrates with GitHub and can archive your software’s documentation automatically with each new release of your software.
An example of a software project that has good documentation practices is bioinformatics library khmer. It is using version control for its documentation which features a comprehensive changelog that details new features, bug fixes (categorised based on relevance to users or developers), known issues, and a list of contributors for each release.
Keras is another software project documentation example that includes examples of code usages to demonstrate its functionalities.
Types of software documentation
Documenting source code and software (as a product as well as a project) is essential for user experience, collaboration, and maintainability.
Documenting source code
Source code documentation helps developers (and to some extent system administrators) understand the logic, structure, and functionality of the code. It ensures that the codebase remains readable, maintainable, and scalable. This may include the following documentation types.
Code comments
Code comments are about improving readability and understandability of your code and may include:
- inline comments – short explanations within the code for specific lines or blocks,
- block comments – detailed explanations for complex logic or algorithms,
- documentation strings – structured documentation (e.g., Python docstrings, Javadoc in Java) that describe functions, classes, and modules.
Some good practices when writing comments:
- write comments as you code,
- ensure you strike a balance in the amount of commenting - you do not have to explain each line of your code,
- focus on the why and the how of your code - avoid using comments to explain what your code does. If your code is too complex for other programmers to understand, consider rewriting it for clarity rather than adding comments to explain it,
- write meaningful explanations for error messages - to help troubleshoot issues when using your software.
Also see the related page on writing readable code.
Interface documentation
Software interface documentation describes how different software components or systems interact with each other, outlining various interfaces (including Application Programming Interface (API)) and communication protocols:
- describes how to use functions, classes, and modules,
- includes parameters, return values, exceptions, and usage examples for functions and classes.
Automated documentation tools can help automate generation of this type of documentation from documentation strings - while no software can completely write source code documentation for you, several tools can significantly ease the process.
- Sphinx (for Python and other languages), Doxygen (for C++ and other languages), Roxygen (for R), JavaDoc (for Java) and JSDoc (for JavaScript) can generate documentation in multiple formats (HTML, PDF) and automatically extract comments from annotated code in your codebase.
- MKDocs enables the creation of professional-looking documentation websites using Markdown.
- Swagger automatically generates API documentation, providing user-friendly interfaces for developers.
- Documenter.jl is a Julia package for building documentation from docstrings in code and Markdown files.
- Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) tools offered by platforms such as GitHub and GitLab can automate documentation generation and release.
Documenting software product
Software product documentation comprehensive information about the software, including its features, usage, installation, and troubleshooting. It may include some of the following documentation types.
Technical documentation
- Software requirement specifications – functional and non-functional requirements of the software.
- System architecture – high-level system design, how different modules and components interact and key technologies used.
- API (Application Programming Interface) documentation – if the software provides an API, detailed API specs.
- Deployment guide – instructions on installing, configuring, and deploying the software for administrators.
User documentation
- Installation guides – instructions for setting up the software.
- Quickstart guides - concise documents that helps users quickly set up and start using software with minimal effort. For example, a quickstart guide for TPOT (Tree-Based Pipeline Optimization) tool includes an animated GIFs with examples and minimal code snippets.
- User manuals – detailed step-by-step instructions on how to use the software.
- CLI (Command Line Interface) documentation - if the software provides a CLI, usage instructions including relevant commands, parameters and arguments to run the software. Tools like Click for Python can assist you in creating your software’s CLI. A great example of a CLI is the one included with the Magic-BLAST bioinformatics tool.
- Tutorials & How-To Guides – walk-throughs for common tasks.
- Troubleshooting & FAQs – solutions to common issues.
Documenting software project
Documenting a research software project is much like documenting any open project. Project documentation details key external-facing elements of a software project, focusing on managing and tracking its development, usage, contributions and community.
An excellent overview of what documentation each software project should provide can be found in the Turing Way’s “Guide for Reproducible Research” - section on project documentation.
Project documentation should include the following:
- README - a text or Markdown file that introduces and explains a project and explains the basic functionality, dependencies and usage of your software. README also acts as a homepage for your project on code sharing platforms such as GitHub and GitLab. See more on how to create a good README document for your software project.
- Contributing guidelines - describes how people can contribute to the development of software and get involved in the project.
- Roadmap - an overview of the current and future development plans and milestones.
- Changelog and release notes - a text file that contains a record of what notable changes are made between versions of software.
- Licensing - lets users know under what legal conditions they are allowed to use the software.
- Code of Conduct - to create and maintain a collaboration environment that promotes participation, collaboration and exchange of ideas, while fostering respect among developers.
- Software citation - let people know how to cite your software, see more on how to cite your software project
- List of all authors and contributors to the software.
- Pointers to various other documentation about your software.
- Lee B. D., Ten Simple Rules for documenting scientific software
- Wilson, G., Aruliah, D. A., Brown, C. T., Chue Hong, N. P., Davis, M., Guy, R. T., Haddock, S. H., Huff, K. D., Mitchell, I. M., Plumbley, M. D., Waugh, B., White, E. P., & Wilson, P.Best Practices for Scientific Computing
- Perez-Riverol Y, Gatto L, Wang R, Sachsenberg T, Uszkoreit J, Leprevost FdV, et al. Ten Simple Rules for Taking Advantage of Git and GitHub
- How to Write Software Documentation in 7 Simple Steps
- The Turing Way’s “Guide for Reproducible Research” - section on project documentation.
Related pages
Skip tool tableTools and resources on this page
Tool or resource | Description | Related pages | Registry |
Documenter.jl | A documentation generator for Julia. | Software documentation | |
Doxygen | Documentation generator tool in software development for C++ (and also C, Python, PHP, Java, C#, Objective-C, Fortran, VHDL, Splice, IDL, and Lex) | Software documentation | |
GitHub | GitHub is a platform that allows developers to create, store, manage, and share their code. It uses Git to provide distributed version control. GitHub provides access control, bug tracking, software feature requests, task management, continuous integration, and wikis for every project. | Documenting software u... Releasing software Software documentation Using version control | |
GitLab | DevOps platform that enables teams to collaborate, plan, develop, test, and deploy software using an integrated toolset for version control, CI/CD, and project management. | Documenting software u... Packaging & releasing ... Releasing software Software documentation Using version control | |
JavaDoc | Documentation generator for Java used to generate API documentation in HTML format from Java source code | ||
JSDoc | An API documentation generator for JavaScript, similar to Javadoc | Software documentation | |
MKDocs | A tool for creating static documentation for software projects from Markdown | Documenting software u... Software documentation | |
Read the Docs | A documentation building and hosting platform aimed at helping developers create documentation from code | Documenting software u... Software documentation | |
Roxygen | Documentation generator tool in software development for R | Software documentation | |
Sphinx | Documentation generator from reStructuredText files primarily for Python, but also supports other languages - C++, C, JavaScript. | Documenting software u... Software documentation | |
Swagger | A suite of tools for API developers that generate APIs from code (and the basis for the OpenAPI Specification) | Software documentation | |
Zenodo | Zenodo is a general-purpose open repository developed under the European OpenAIRE program and operated by CERN. It allows researchers to deposit research papers, data sets, research software, reports, and other research-related digital artefacts. | Releasing software Software documentation Software identifiers Software metadata |
How to cite this page
Azza Gamgami, Aleksandra Nenadic, "Documenting software". .