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Research community: ESCAPE - physics & astronomy

The ESCAPE science cluster brings together communities and research infrastructures in the areas of astronomy and accelerator-based particle physics, specifically ESFRI facilities (SKAO, CTAO, KM3NeT, EST, ELT, HL-LHC, FAIR) and pan-European research infrastructures (CERN, ESO, JIVE).

In ESCAPE, software applications for gathering and simulating scientific data, reaching up to exabytes, span code bases of millions of lines that are written by researchers and engineers in both compiled (e.g. C++, Cuda) and interpreted (e.g. Python) languages. With experiments existing for multiple decades, high quality, efficient and maintainable software is essential for the success of these scientific endeavours.

Main goals

  • Improve access to data and tools to unlock innovation for society at large.
  • Provide data with FAIR principles to increase researchers’ efficiency thanks to scientific data interoperability and establish new methodological approaches and rules for quality certified data and science tools sharing.
  • Build a European cross-border and multi-disciplinary open innovation environment for research data, knowledge and services, while connecting EOSC and ESFRI.
  • Facilitate interdisciplinary and networked research between different sciences, through research infrastructure ecosystem and by supporting data publishing, analytics, computational capacity, virtual analysis environments and workflow systems.
  • Create economies of scale, through the adoption of common approaches for data management.
  • Educate and train scientific and wider user communities, to ensure the uptake of ESCAPE’s results.


Software catalogue

The Open-source Scientific Software and Service Repository enables researchers to save time and resources by improving the reproducibility of scientific results through high-quality software from within the community.

Other services

More services for citizen science, open data and data analysis can be found in the ESCAPE services catalogue.