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Your tasks: Releasing software

How to Create Code Releases


A software release is the process of making a new or updated version of software available to users. It’s an important phase in software development cycle that involves several other stages, including: planning, development, testing, deployment, and maintenance.


  • A software release is a new version of a software product, and a release log (changelog) is a document that records the changes made to the software over time and is published with the software at the time of the release.
  • Software versioning is the process of assigning either unique version names or unique version numbers to software releases. Naming schemes can vary - for example Semantic Versioning (e.g. “1.0.2”) and Calendar Versioning (e.g. “24.10”).
  • Attachments like built binaries or packages or other software artefacts can be provided with the release.


Software Project Management Platforms like GitHub and GitLab offer features to help with releasing software automatically.

For example, to perform a software release on GitHub:

  • Go to your source code repository on GitHub.
  • Prepare changelog ahead of the release process.
  • Click on Releases and then on Draft a new release button.
  • Decide on a software versioning scheme you will use and use a unique name or number for this release.
  • Add release notes - a short and non overly technical summary of the changelog intended for end-users.
  • Click on Publish release.
  • If your repository is integrated with Zenodo - a new DOI for this software release will automatically be issued by Zenodo.

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Calendar Versioning Calendar Versioning (CalVer) is a versioning convention based on your project's release calendar, instead of arbitrary numbers.
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How to cite this page

Christian Hüser, Shoaib Sufi, Daniel Garijo, "Releasing software". .