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Your tasks: Obtaining a DOI for software

How can I get a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for my code release?


Obtaining a DOI (a type of persistent identifier) for your software has become increasingly popular to indicate others how to cite your software (either in a publication or as an independent way of referring to your software versions). In this document we describe how to obtain a DOI to refer to your software releases.


  • You use GitHub as your software repository
  • You make software releases (e.g. using semantic versioning)
  • You would like a DOI for your software releases
  • You use or are happy to make an account on the Zenodo archive


  • Link your GitHub repository to Zenodo
    • Go to Zenodo.
    • If you don’t have an account, make an account.
    • Navigate to your Zenodo my account page
    • Click on the GitHub option, Click on Connect
    • Authorise Zenodo to access your GitHub account
    • Choose which repository you would like to create a DOI for under the repositories sections
      • You may need to scroll down to find the repository if you have access to many repositories
  • Create a GitHub release for the repository you have enabled.
    • Go to your repository
    • Click on releases and then on Draft a new release
    • Remember to use a version number (semantic versioning is the common standard but there are other schemes such as CalVer which is date based)–>
  • Zenodo will automatically archive this release:
    • Once your GitHub repository is linked to Zenodo, any new release you publish on GitHub will be archived by Zenodo
    • Zenodo will automatically issue a DOI for your release
  • Get the DOI:
    • After the GitHub release, go to Zenodo, where you will see your repository archived with a DOI assigned to it. Your badge is available in “Details”:

Badge in Zenodo

  • Copy the badge in your README file:
    • Now you can add the Zenodo badge in your GitHub repository. Click on the blue DOI and copy the markdown in your README. It will show as follows:

Badge in GitHub repository

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